Sunday, 6 December 2015

Fire on the Velvet Horizon, 'Capitulator to Curselings' CURSELINGS



Armour as chain, Move 30', 6 Hit Dice, 33 hp, claw d6+1 damage (but will prefer other, cleverer means of murder), Morale 8.

Treasure- Curselings lair where there exists great amounts of lost treasure (of all kinds). These places are often dangerous in their own right. Decide who or what owned the hoard previous to the Curseling and generate (or place) suggested treasure types.

Invisible in the Dark - When in darkness, surprises on a 1-5 on a d6. -1 to hit the Curseling.

Sense of the Lost - As well as being able to discern the location of any lost object or person, the Curseling gains a +2 on all rolls whenever it deals with the lost or the truly alone.  Being in a Curseling lair counts as 'lost and alone'.

Tireless - Curselings never become fatigued .

Whisperer in the Darkness - Can perfectly mimic any sound it hears and throw its voice unerringly.

Curseling Shadow Thane - Armour as chain and shield, HP 60, Move 30', 8 Hit Dice, 1d8+2 (Claw, though as above. Likely to have access to some manner of magical weapon)

Abilities as above. Will have the unwavering loyalty of any number of Curselings.


Curselings - AC 16, HP 60, Spd. 30ft, +6, 1d8+2 dm (Claw or by weapon, though a Curseling will rarely resort to such methods, preferring to utilise the cruelest, most cunning means of slaughter they can devise.),    XP 1,800 CR 5


Invisible in the Dark - When in darkness, gains advantage on stealth rolls. Those trying to hit it, are at disadvantage.

Sense of the Lost - As well as being able to discern the location of any lost object or person, the Curseling gains advantage on all rolls whenever it deals with the lost or the truly alone. Being in a Curseling lair counts as 'lost and alone'.

Tireless - Curselings never become exhausted.

Whisperer in the Darkness - Can perfectly mimic any sound it hears and throw its voice unerringly.

Curseling Shadow Thane - AC 17, HP 104, Spd. 30ft, +8, 1d10+3 (Claw, though as above. Likely to have access to some manner of magical weapon) XP 2,900 CR 7


Abilities as above. Will have the unwavering loyalty of any number of Curselings.

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